PSA pic Surrenders
Attention NTCR Community
We are temporarily closing intake for NON-NTCR cats. Our resources and space are limited. If your cat is not from NTCR, you can contact the shelter or rescue where you adopted them or explore other rehoming options.
For Those Surrendering NTCR Cats
Please do not abandon them or take to other shelters.
If you adopted your cat from NTCR and need to surrender them, please schedule an appointment with us (See link under the Adoption column). We may have a waiting list for openings in our foster homes, so your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for understanding and supporting our mission!
Memory Page

Year round donations
are always needed.
It's easy to do. Just click
on your choice below.
We are very grateful for your generouse spirit.Innocent
Thank you from the bottom of our little kitty hearts.

  © 2024 NTCR 



Give that special someone the gift of love and friendship this holiday season by purchasing a North Texas Cat Rescue Gift Voucher and letting the recipient find his or her PURRFECT companion.

Even if you are very sure someone would enjoy receiving a pet as a gift, doing so during the holidays puts extra stresson everyone, especially the animal.  Cats are long-term companions and the new owner's committment could be as long as 20 years. For this reason it is important to choose a kitty that will fit in with the dynamics of the new home. Giving a Gift Voucher enables the recipient to choose the right kitty.

A Gift Voucher works like any other adoption except that it is prepaid.  Please note that the recipient of the Gift Voucher will need to follow the regular adoption process and NTCR approval guidelines.

You can purchase a Gift Voucher at the adoption events held at PetSmart in Allen. See our home page for date and time.