PSA pic Surrenders
Attention NTCR Community
We are temporarily closing intake for NON-NTCR cats. Our resources and space are limited. If your cat is not from NTCR, you can contact the shelter or rescue where you adopted them or explore other rehoming options.
For Those Surrendering NTCR Cats
Please do not abandon them or take to other shelters.
If you adopted your cat from NTCR and need to surrender them, please schedule an appointment with us (See link under the Adoption column). We may have a waiting list for openings in our foster homes, so your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for understanding and supporting our mission!
Memory Page

Year round donations
are always needed.
It's easy to do. Just click
on your choice below.
We are very grateful for your generouse spirit.Innocent
Thank you from the bottom of our little kitty hearts.

  © 2024 NTCR 


NTCR  Window Cats are located at PetSmart in Allen. 

NTCR Adoption Events are held:

Saturdays from 1:00 to 4:00 
Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00
 (Pending enough volunteers. If in doubt, please call Pet Smart in Allen.)

Please note: Kittens under 16 weeks must be adopted in pairs.

Georgie-Vanlentine March2025

You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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Adoption Information

Adoption Application

(Application is not binding.
It's just our way of tracking.)

If your circomstances have changed, we understand. We ask that you do not abandon your kitty. Please work with us to refoster and find your kitty a new home. 

If you have to return the kitty you adopted from NTCR,
please click here to submit a
Surrender Form.

If you have questions,
please click here to email

Foster Information

Foster C
are Agreement

Please complete both
Foster Care Agreement and a Volunteer Application. 
Thank you. 

Volunteer Application

We have current openings
for Cage Attendants. This
volunteer position requires 
cleaning cages, "filtering" litter boxes, and feeding the Window Cats.

You have the option to pick from
available openings throughout the
month that fit into your schedule.
Please contact us if you have
questions or if you would like
to sign up, click the link to the volunteer application.


Please be patient with our call-back time. We are all volunteers with day jobs.
Every effort is made to get back to you within 72 hours.
Thank you so much.
Cat Love Emocon